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Phosphate level starver test kit swimming pool spa lochlor chemical water
Lo Chlor Starver Test kit used for testing Phosphate Levels in swimming pools
Test kit is a must for all pool professional and pool enthusiasts
Uses liquid reagents for accurate instant results.
Kit includes:
1 x 12mL Vial
1 x 25mL Reagent A
2 x 25mL Reagent B
1 x measurement chart
Fill 12ML tube with approximately 10mls pool or spa water
Add 5 drops Reagent A
Add 5 drops Reagent B
Shake well
Compare colour against chart provided

Starver Test Kit

SKU: P09WT001
  • Important Notes for Use Ensure all living algae and algae spores are killed before you test for phosphates. If algae are present the test result will read ZERO as the algae have consumed the phosphates. Before testing kill algae by either Super-chlorinating or using a Lo-Chlor Algaecide. Store kits in cool dry conditions Phosphate test kits have a 6 month shelf life Important Tips If the test result is positive and shows a result greater than 1ppm on the test chart you will need to carry out the following steps: Fill vial with approximately 2mls pool or spa water Top up vial with approximately 8mls distilled / spring water Add reagents as per instructions Check results Multiply results by a factor of four (4x) to give accurate reading. If phosphate level is above 10ppm you should contact your Lo-Chlor professional for further advice
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