Clearchem Pro Lite 500Gm Cyanuric Acid Sunscreen Swimming Pool Spa
Active Constituent: 504g/kg Dichloroisocyanuric Acid 100g/kg Sodium Tetraborate Pentahydrate
Features & Benefits
Fast dissolving, no residue
Enhances water quality and softens water
Minimal effect on pH of pool water
Cyanuric acid increases longevity of available sanitiser
Convenient single dose pack sizes for boosting salt pools
Classified as Non-Dangerous goods for transport and storage purposes
- Dissolve granules in water prior to use or add directly to water
- Initial start-up dose is 100 - 170gms per 10,000 litres
- Then apply a daily dose of 25 - 35 gms per 10,000 litres
- Dosage rate are only a guide
ProLite Shock Clearchem - 500g
SKU: P08CM033