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Skimmer Sock Disc ? Filter Sox Disc - Suits QUIPTRON Skimmers
If you are using ?filter socks? and have a suction pool cleaner then you should use a Filter Sox Disc to enhance the operation and lengthen the life cycle of pool cleaning filter system.
(The Filter Sox Disc will only work when your suction cleaner is installed.)
The Filter Sox Disc sits easily inside your skimmer box and partners with your Filter Socks.
Whilst the filter socks will trap debris before it reaches your filter, if the sock fills up without you realising (out of sight, out of mind..!) then your pump will struggle and may cause damage due to starving the pump of water.
The answer is the Filter Sox Disc which will allow the filter sock to collect debris BUT also allows water to flow effectively around the sock to the pump, regardless of how full the filter sock is.
A small investment to ensure the perfect operation of you cleaner, you filter and your pump, allowing your suction cleaner to operate longer and without the need for constant checking on the socks and basket.

Filter Sox Disc - Quiptron (blue)

SKU: P05HC064
  • Benefits of Filter Sox Disc: Allow a continual flow of water even when the filter sock are completely full, Help prevent the pump from running dry avoiding expensive repairs, Keep your pool cleaner running longer because the water flow is not restricted, Can extend the time between filter sock changes, Efficient removal of debris and contaminants is essential for a healthy pool. Simple Installation Place Filter Sox Disc on top of skimmer basket Stretch filter sox over the disc and basket rim Align oval hole in Filter Sox Disc with vacuum plate hole and bypass to ensure valve on cover can move freely Skimmer baskets come in various sizes to ensure you choose the correct Filter Sox Disc. This listing is for QUIPTRON Skimmer Baskets.
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